
A casemate (French casematte, from mittelgr. χάσμα chásma "column", "earth", "earth gap" via Italian casamatta "wall vault") is a vault protected from artillery fire in fortress construction. Due to their good state of preservation, the casemates in Wiener Neustadt are unique in Austria and are under monument protection. The underground weir system dates back to the 12th century and was extensively renovated for the 2019 state exhibition after a centuries-long slumber. Here you can visit the only preserved Strada Coperta in Austria. The Historical Casemates, the Zwinger Wall and the Old Bastion give an idea of ​​how Wiener Neustadt defended and developed. If you want to know what an opus spicatum is, you can see particularly well-preserved specimens as well as original plastered wall parts from the 12th century.